Monday, May 13, 2013

Cleanse....what, are you kidding me??

Have you heard about nutritional cleansing?  It seems to be the hot topic or trend depending on who you are speaking with.  I mean, I've heard of celebrities doing a colonic before walking the red carpet for the Oscars or other extreme measures to get that perfect looking body.  Would I actually go to such extremes just to look good?  Probably not.  However, there is more information about cleansing that has caught my attention.  There is reason to believe, if done correctly, nutritional cleansing can have amazing health benefits for your body.  I mean, besides looking great, nutritional cleansing could help us live healthy, long lives. 
Sooo....what is it, you ask?  There is actually all kinds of different methods people suggest as cleansing.  What I am talking about, is a botanical solution that supports the liver in our body's natural ability to cleanse.  Our amazing human bodies already have a "cleansing" system...our liver!  The liver is our body's natural ability to detox.  But one you think our liver was ever created to be exposed to the amount of toxins we are exposed to today?  Probably not.  So why not use botanicals and herbs to help increase our livers ability to cleanse.  Combine that with a day of fasting, to allow our digestive system to rest, and it is amazing how much better your body feels!  So what is this botanical creation?  Honestly the best solution I have found is through Isagenix.  They have formulated a solution to this very problem.  Cleanse for Life is a high quality botanical solution that helps aid the liver in cleansing.  I know, because I use it frequently, and the result?  My energy is increased, my health is improved, and I have also (bonus) lost weight. 
Check this article about detoxification, it explains this concept perfectly:

If you are interested in trying this concept, email me and I can provide you with an opportunity to get started on this nutritional cleansing routine.  I would be thrilled for everyone to feel the health benefits I have felt-I mean after all, that is why I became a nurse, to help people achieve optimum health.  
This is only the tip of the iceberg of nutrition and health.  If we are honestly trying to achieve health, we must combine high quality nutrition with cleansing...guess that will be another post in the future. :)  Stay tuned! 

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