Saturday, May 18, 2013


(Genetically Modified Organisms)

Have you heard of GMOs before?  Any idea what they are?  I will admit I had never heard of GMOs until a couple years ago when I watched a documentary called, Food Inc.
The definition of GMO as taken from Wikipedia (abreviated): 
Genetically modified crops (GMCs, GM crops, or biotech crops) are plants, the DNA of which has been modified using genetic engineering techniques, to resist pests and agents causing harm to plants and to improve the growth of these plants to assist in farmers efficiency.
Okay, so I get probably got irritated by pests destroying their crops, needed to use a bunch of pesticide to keep the bugs off, which probably cost more and more money, and probably even caused some of the plants to not survive.  Maybe significant enough to make their crop not profitable.  This is all speculation of course, but wouldn't that seem like a plausible scenario?  Enter on the scene, GMO seed companies (one of them is called Monsanto).  GMO seed companies are able to create a seed that will automatically resist pesticides, and some produce a toxin call Bt that kills some insects the minute they start feeding on the plant!  Wow, right?  I bet that would be really exciting for a worries about pouring a ton of pesticide on your crop because the plants will survive it.  The bugs will be dead, and the crops will yield huge amounts.  Fantastic!  Technology is amazing!

Hold up a minute!  There have been some studies indicating genetically modifying seeds to be resistant to pesticides can actually cause our bodies harm.  Genetic Roulette is a great documentary describing concerns about GMOs.

I have found other people's objections to this video and book (I guess it was a book first) stating generally that the studies do not have merit for various reasons. 

But here is the deal:  I learned that when you purchase Monsanto GMO seed, you are required to sign a contract stating you won't re-sell, you won't use second generation seeds (because that forces the consumer to purchase more each year they have to plant a new crop-which is more dollars for the company), and here is the big cannot use the seeds for research unless the company first approves of the research.  So, basically, the only "approved" studies that have been done on Monsantos GMOs are studies that have been funded or approved by Monsanto.  

I have trouble with that concept.  If the study is run by the company, or funded by the company, it is considered biased in my opinion. 
Frankly there is enough evidence for me to be compelled to avoid GMOs.  There is reason to believe these GMOs could be contributing to chronic diseases such as Inflammatory Bowel Disorders, Diabetes, Autoimmune diseases, Fertility issues, and who knows what else because Monsanto probably wouldn't approve a study that could possibly show such results!! That would not be profitable for them.  

What is really important?  The health of our nation or the profits of a seed company?  Hmmm....not hard for me to decide!  Check this article out:
GMO Scandal: The Long Term Effects of Genetically Modified Food on Humans

All that to say, I'm not a scholar and I certainly am not the best author or writer, but I do believe that most average Americans would relate with my thoughts.  Who wants to sign up to eat food that could be causing chronic conditions, shortening our life and making us altogether less healthy??

I am going to choose not to eat GMO foods.  And what solution have I for all the GMO foods that I have already consumed unknowingly, that may have caused pesticides to reside in my intestinal tract causing all kinds of potential health concerns?  I have adopted a cleanse routine.  I posted about this topic earlier.  There are all kinds of cleanse routines out there, and I have chosen one that I think is safe and effective.  (If you are interested in my cleanse routine visit my website at Jana's Improved Health with Isagenix.  On this website you can contact me and I can answer any questions.  You can also purchase the cleanse routine I have adopted)
I hope by eliminating GMO foods, incorporating high quality nutrition, and cleansing toxins out of my body that I can achieve ultimate health and wellness. I certainly am in favor of long life, healthy life, and more days feeling good and enjoying my family!

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